One thing that readers around the world fear the most is coming across a poor movie adaptation of their favorite book. Sadly, most adaptations don’t follow their source material accurately, either it is the mistake in casting the right actors or perhaps executing the whole plot on the screen, some movies fail to impress the readers. However, thankfully so, there are some adaptations that do justice to the books and we all wait eagerly for those films, where our favorite books come alive on the screens.

So, if you have been looking for accurate movie adaptations of one of the most loved books, then keep reading this article because we have put together a list of all those films that the book community loved and approved.

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Having said that, let’s move towards our top picks of movie adaptations that did the book justice.

1. The Exorcist (1973)

The chances of anything going wrong with this movie were pretty minimal since the writer – William Peter Blatty – himself wrote the screenplay for the movie. Hands down, one of the best horror films and inarguably, a true classic, The Exorcist not only cast the right actors for each role but also executed the plot perfectly.

The movie won its nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay and this says a lot about it. What’s more, this movie was the first horror film that was nominated for Academy Award.

The film follows a young girl named Regan, who begins to show some strange yet creepy behavior, after playing with an Ouija board. Her mother is a struggling actress, and she enlists the help of two priests, who perform an exorcism on the young girl to fight the demonic entities.

2. Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Multiple adaptations of classic books have been produced and Pride and Prejudice are probably at the top of the list. We know, the 1995 version was definitely really good but the 2005 version managed to capture the true essence of this novel by Jane Austen.

Every dialogue delivery, scene, and element of charm and romance in this movie makes you feel like you are literally reading the book as you watch the film.

This Kiera Knightley version follows the classic story in which we get to know about the Bennet sisters, who are encouraged by their mother to find themselves handsome rich men. And as much as Elizabeth would much rather stay away from all these concepts, she cannot help but start to have a soft corner for the very unlikely suitor; Mr. Darcy.

3. Forest Gump (1994)

Forest Gump became a career-changing film for the comedian actor, Tom Hanks. But most of all, it has received acclamation throughout the years for its brilliant adaptation of the book written by Winston Groom. Although the movie did not entirely show the rough side of the titular character, it still managed to capture the message of the book.

The movie not only received good reviews from readers around the world but it also won several nominations and awards.

Forest Gump tells the story of the titular character with low IA who keeps recalling the earlier years of life when some of the biggest events happened to him and also took place in American history. Now, after all these years, he has only one wish; to reunite with his childhood love – Jenny.

4. The Shining (1980)

One of the most well-known horror adaptations, The Shining is originally a work of American author, Stephen King. The movie was a bit hit, exactly like its source material. It tells the tales in the same manner as the book. The execution of the plot and the cast ensemble is certainly something that impressed the critics.

This psychological horror film follows the lives of Jack and his family as they move into a hotel that hasn’t been inhabited by a human soul in ages. On top of it, this hotel has a dark past of its own. Now in isolation, Jack slowly starts to lose a grip on reality and his sanity, which consequently also impacts his family members.

5. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

No matter what, everyone agrees on one thing; Gregory Peck is the perfect pick for Atticus Finch, and the book community cannot be more thankful for it. There is probably not a single thing that we would change about this adaptation of one of the best writers in history, Harper Lee.

The story is based on Lee’s memories of her family, neighbors, and the events that took place in her hometown. The movie won Best Screenplay Academy Award and continued to win several awards and nominations throughout the years.

The story takes place in the Depression era, where Atticus Finch is a lawyer, who is defending a black man accused of raping a white woman. The movie explores themes of racial prejudice and injustice brilliantly, while also tackling the genre of coming-of-age, and the story follows the lives of Finch’s children, Scout and Jem.

Final Words

It is quite difficult to find movie adaptations that have stayed faithful to their source material. However, the above-mentioned films have certainly impressed the audience by doing justice to the books. So, don’t wait any longer and start streaming these iconic films.