Kidneys are paired organs in your body that plays a vital role in maintaining an individual’s overall health and well-being. They perform several functions in addition to eliminating wastes and excess fluid from your body.

Kidneys are responsible for maintaining the production of urine and urinary secretion. They serve a number of homoeostatic functions, including the reabsorption of glucose and amino acids and the production of hormones.

Hormones produced by the kidneys stimulate the production of red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, and aid in controlling calcium metabolism. Besides this, the kidney also regulates the body’s amount of salt, acid content, and potassium, and the kidneys produce hormones that affect how other organs function.

In short, kidneys perform four primary functions in your body, namely, excretory functions, regulatory functions, endocrine functions, and metabolic functions. Hence, it is of utmost importance to ensure that your kidneys are functioning properly; the best way to ensure this is to get the KFT test done.

In medical terms, it is known as the Renal Function Test, which tells you about the overall status of your kidney’s functions. The KFT test cost in India is Rs 500-1000.

What is the KFT test?

KFT- Kidney Function Tests is a collective term for individual tests and processes that can be made to assess how well your kidneys are functioning. Various conditions could affect the capability of the kidneys to accomplish their crucial functions. Some cause a quick (acute) deterioration in kidney function; others bring about a slow (chronic) deterioration in function.

Both cause an upsurge of toxic waste substances in the blood. Many clinical laboratory tests that gauge the levels of substances usually regulated by the kidneys could assist settle on the cause and range of kidney dysfunction. This article enumerates the three major kidney tests that doctors usually prescribe. Continue reading!

Three Major Kidney Function Tests

Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

The GFR provides a valuable index of overall kidney function. It measures the amount of plasma ultra-filtered across the glomerular capillaries and reflects the kidneys’ ability to filter fluids and various substances. Normal GFR range is 100-120 ml/min. A low GFR is evidence of progressive severe renal disease and decreased renal mass functioning. The GRF can reduce both chronic and acute renal failure.

Serum Urea

Urea, the end product of protein metabolism, is produced in the liver. The glomerulus readily filters urea, and about 30-70% is reabsorbed in the nephrons. It is imperative to note that dehydration causes increased urea reabsorption.

Therefore urea level increases during dehydration, as in the case of acute diarrhea, while the renal function is preserved and creatinine is normal. The normal urea to creatinine ratio is 20:1. This ratio increases in dehydration, while the ratio remains the same in renal insufficiency. Some other factors that affect urea levels are.

Increased serum urea: Tetracyclines, Glucocorticoids, High protein diet, Catabolic state, and Dehydration.

Decreased serum urea: Liver disease, Malnutrition, Low Protein Diet, and Old Age.

Serum creatinine

Creatinine is the most useful clinical test in assessing the progression of renal disease. However, almost 50% of the renal function gets lost before serum creatinine rises. Therefore, an average level of creatinine does not rule out impairment of renal function.

Creatinine is the product of muscle metabolism; it is freely filtered and not reabsorbed; however, a small amount is eliminated by tubular secretion that increases with dehydration overestimating the GFR. Factors that might affect serum creatinine include-

Increased serum creatinine: Ketoacidosis, and drugs like Trimethoprim, cimetidine, aspirin, cefoxitin, and cephalothin.

Decreased serum creatinine: Cachexia, liver disease, and advanced age.


The KFT test must be done, and the results must be carefully monitored, especially if you have a family history of renal disease or have started to get older. Doing this can help you prevent renal malfunction or failure. Speak to your physician about the health of your kidneys and see what preventative measures you can take to minimize your chances of developing renal problems later.