
Everyone is using modern technology in today’s time and definitely, it has simplified your life. But you ever think about the hidden and interesting facts about the trial, error and weirdness of the tech world.

So, here we are discussing interesting and fascinating facts about tech products, industry, and the people of the tech world. And the 9th one is definitely making you laugh.

1. There were at least 17 newborn girls were named Siri in 2012.

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2. There are more than 682 million iPhone across the world.

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3. The world’s first camera took eight hours to snap a photo.

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4. The very first Apple logo designed as Sir Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, with an apple about to hit his head.

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5. In America, Alaska is the only state that can be typed on one row of a traditional English QWERTY keyboard.

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6. In 2012, NYU-Poly constructed a robotic fish and placed it in a tank of golden shiners. The robot simulated the fishes’ motions so well, it was eventually accepted and became their leader.

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7. In Japan, there is a factory that can run unsupervised for 30 days at a time it’s almost entirely manned by robots.

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8. There used to be fake Apple stores in China. They were so fake, in fact, that even the staff were convinced they were working for Apple.

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9. Carrier pigeons beat internet upload speed as late as in 2010. They actually sent pigeons over with USB sticks the same time they started uploading a video over broadband. The pigeons won.

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10. In 1982, Time Magazine named the computer the “Man of the Year.”

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11. The first alarm clock could only ring at one time of day, four o’clock in the morning.

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12. Apple sold 340,000 iPhones every single day in 2012.

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13. 90% of mobile phones are waterproof in Japan, as many people even use them in the shower.

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14. Phantom Vibration Syndrome is the name given when someone thinks their phone is vibrating but isn’t.

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15. 30th November is known as “Computer Security Day” in the tech world.

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