Many of us underestimate ourselves and feel that we are failures, we haven’t achieved anything. I can understand your feeling, but it’s time to find a new way to see your life from a different perspective.

Sometimes due to our values, and so-called ‘believe’, we ignore the ‘little things. Never underestimate yourself, you are different from others accept that and never think about negative things.

Here are some signs that you are succeeding in life:

1. You Have Moments Where You Appreciate Who You See In The Mirror:

Whenever you do this, means you love yourself and you are awesome and that’s the indication of success. So, you should appreciate yourself for the small-small things you have done.

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2. You Have Raised Your Standards:

It means that you don’t tolerate bad behavior from others anymore. You are also not spending time with that kind of people in your life anymore.

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