When you go for a long trip then there can be plenty of things that can go wrong. I am sure there will be so many peoples who had experienced it like you forgot something at your home etc.

So, here are some tips that can make your traveling a little bit easier, comfortable, and enjoyable. Only you have to do just a bit of preparation.

1. Don’t Fold Your Clothes, Roll Them:

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No need to waste time for folding your clothes just roll them, it will save your time. The benefit is that your clothes turn into creases during transit, and they will come out the other end looking neat and tidy.

When you roll your clothes then roll around something large in the center like wash bag, shoes etc.

2. Mark Important Locations On Your Map App:

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When you went to such kind of places where the network is not proper, then at that time it will be very difficult for you to locate places. It’s very expensive also when it comes to roaming data charges. Google Map app also don’t have the capability to download the map offline. It’s very difficult for you to find where you are going? At that time dropped pin is very useful.

Dropping a pin on your important locations make your travel in foreign countries little bit easier. For example, whenever you leave from your hotel then drop a pin on its location to find it again.

3. Keep Portable Power Pack:

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Smartphones are an integral part of everyone’s life. It’s very important for those people who use their devices regularly throughout the day. So always keep the power pack with you when you go for a long tour travel. Opt those power pack with 6000 mAH battery or even 10,000 mAH. Power pack with two USB ports are very good so, that you can charge two things together.