4. Take Your Moisturizer For Long-Haul Flights:

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The air inside an aircraft is much drier than it is back down on terra firm. This will dry your skin also so always keep moisturizer that makes your skin glowing even after you reached your destination. Go for 100 ml so, that it can also fit in your handbag. And if you have moisturizer spray then it’s awesome because it moisturizes quickly than normal cream. The normal cream needs time to soak in.

5. Keep Empty Bottle With You:

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Prices of water bottles in aircraft rose to the sky, so you have to just keep an empty bottle with yourself. The even restriction is also not there to keep empty bottles through security. So, keep it and find any tap or water fountain to fill that bottle.

6. Put Your Under Garments In Your Shoes:

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This will save your space. It’s a smart thing to use all your empty places in your luggage, even in shoes also. You can put any small clothes into that.