Front Squads:

7 Exercises That Can Help You To Lose Your Weight At Home!!-3

Front squats help in the moment of many muscles like abdominals, upper back, lumbar spine, gluteals, hamstrings, calves, thigh adductors, and quadriceps.

1. Wider your shoulder width and stand with feet set.

2. Hold the dumbbell in front of your chest with both your hands.

3. You may sit back into a squat by keeping the dumbbell in the same position and drive up.

Walking Lunges:

7 Exercises That Can Help You To Lose Your Weight At Home!!-4

Walking lunges helps in developing the thigh muscles and it straightens the hips. This tones the muscles.

1. Hold your dumbbells in each hand and then take a step forward right foot in line and then your right hip.

2. Bent your knees towards the floor and let your chest remain straight.

3. Stand up and follow the same onto your left foot.

4. Right and then left, continue doing the both.