Bent Over Rows:

7 Exercises That Can Help You To Lose Your Weight At Home!!-5

Bent over rows targets the back muscles, the upper back, the biceps and the trap muscles.

1. Hold the dumbbell in each hand and wide apart the shoulder.

2. Lower your torso till it is parallel to the floor, simultaneously bent you hip backwards.

3. let your arms hang free and move the weight to your sides.

4. Follow this exercise.

Chest Press:

7 Exercises That Can Help You To Lose Your Weight At Home!!-6

Chest press helps in supporting chest, arms, and shoulders.

1. Just lie down holding the dumbbell.

2. Slowly move your dumbbell upward.

3. Then lower the dumbbells downward in a slow manner.

Tricep Kick Back:

7 Exercises That Can Help You To Lose Your Weight At Home!!-7

Tricep Kick Back is an exercise that targets your triceps and the muscles in the backside of the upper arm.

1. Stand in a bent over position with knees forward.

2. Leave your arms at 90 degree.

3. Move your arms backward straight.

4. Extend your arms and slowly move back to the same location.